About Me

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I am a cross trained higher education professional and experiential educator. I am interested in these intersections and how they can be utilized to create a world in which more people see success in their lives. I am an individual committed to positive change in the world. + ∞ Δ

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Charleston, Avatar & the Angel Oak

Today I went to Charleston with my family. We went first to see the Angel Oak, which was really cool. It of course brought the comments relating it to Home Tree from Avatar, which was interesting considering the avenue and excess taking place. Quite a juxtaposition. Additionally, people were not respecting the tree for what it was in my mind, looking at it as if it were nothing more than an oddity. Shouldn't it be an oddity that this is the only one, or one a a very few that are like this? It would be great if the Angel Oak was the norm.

Also, we took a guided tour in Charleston. I typically hate this in general, as it was a carriage tour and I don't like to be pulled by an animal due to the laziness of humans, but I participated as that is what my family wanted. What bothered me about this, other than the not walking was the amount of excess. The thing that bothers me the most in this world, or at least near the top of this list is excess. The shear pornographic amazement of material excess. Houses and properties that are selling for millions of dollars and people living large with no care for others around them bothers me a great deal. Our tour guide talked about on this side of the street is the haves, on this side is the have mores. Well, on the other side of town is the have nones, what are we doing for them? It is the voyeuristic nature of our culture to watch. Whether that was the middle class tourists on the carriage watching these houses and wondering and wishing, or those in the properties watching us and those in a state of poverty, it is a graphic and disgusting show of which I have participated unwillingly and knowingly. That is the worst part.

Did I pick up that hitchhiker when I saw him? No, I did not, because I have been taught that he will surely cause harm to me in some respect. Is that correct? Perhaps, perhaps not. Did I look at him? Yeah. Does this make me as bad as those in the mansions looking out on the masses walking about and spending money we don't have on things we don't need? Perhaps.

A lot of questions, fewer answers.

Sorry about this.



  1. I want to "follow" you but I can't figure out how. So, I've added you to my bookmarks and I promise to check for new postings once a week.
    -J La

  2. There is a button that says follow on the main page. Perhaps that will aid you?
