About Me

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I am a cross trained higher education professional and experiential educator. I am interested in these intersections and how they can be utilized to create a world in which more people see success in their lives. I am an individual committed to positive change in the world. + ∞ Δ

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Call for Help!

Hey my faithful and perhaps new readers. I have a question. Recently at work I took up the task of looking at this old activity that we all agree is some sort of challenge course initiative. All that we know about it is that it was donated to our organization sometime in the early part of the last decade. It has been here longer than anyone has been here and additionally there are no related literature on the things. I tinkered around with the parts for a good part of the day yesterday and was able to come up with around fourteen or so activities that could be done with these parts. That being said, I don't feel that any of these activities are the one activity that this is meant for. My only thought that I think may hold ground is that this is a sort of portable challenge course that you can build many things with. I have attached a bunch of pictures so that you can look for yourself at the pictures. Additionally, the numbers of the different pieces are:

10 2x4 4 feet long with no holes
16 2x3 4 feet long with 3 holes, ends and middle
54 2x3 2~ feet long with 2 holes, at the ends
44 dowl rods
2 little raiser structures

There are a few pictures to guide your thoughts and perhaps suggestions and probably questions. I tried to take a variety of pictures to help everyone adequately see the items as well as a few of the things I built with them so you can get an idea what I was doing and what may be perhaps possible.

The activities I was able to build:

TP Shuffle (Line Up Log)
Muse (Potentially)
Longest Line/Structure
A Crossing Type Activity
"Build Something"
CEO Design Project that focuses of creativity and design
Circle the Shape
Ring Toss
Whale Watch balance type activity
Operation (get bull rings off dowls and back on with no touch)
Wild Woozy
All Aboard
Rhythym Sticks
Carnival game where you push the ball up and down and up a wave thing. Though I could rig a ball with a string through it and have participants do that without bringing it off the element and in cohesion.
And finally, the activity, that in someways I am doing with you all:

"What is This?"

Let's see how this goes, perhaps we'll even debrief and talk transference at the end! Enjoy friends!

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

If these pictures aren't clear enough or large enough, the Picasa album can be found here: http://picasaweb.google.com/stephen.weiser/BloggerPictures?feat=directlink


  1. Interesting. If you find the solution, please post it on the List Serve.

  2. Holler!

    No sure... I've seen something like it. What we used it for was sort of a creative activity. So, a group would get multiple pieces and would have to build something. So, something like, build something that describes how you feel; or building something that protrays leaderships, etc.

    That is probably one of your solutions thought!

    Good luck!!

  3. I think you are right it is a portable challenge course.
    The structure and design lends itself to that.
    How much weight can it hold?

  4. I just posted to the list serve but I think that at least part of this... the parts with the dowels and the 2x4's with the holes are a Da Vinci Bridge kit.

  5. I was just going to say bridge. It's like a bag of PVC stuff that the team has to use, just larger. Great challenge!

  6. i love the lattice bridge you made :e)
